The CDC Group is implementing the Optimum MWMS (Mobile Workers Management System) software and hardware complex for automating the processes of maintenance and repair of equipment at Rusagro sugar factories.
Rusagro is one of the largest sugar producers in Russia, and also occupies a leading position in the oil and fat business, pig breeding, and crop production. The sugar business of the agricultural holding is represented by nine factories in the Kursk, Tambov, Belgorod and Oryol regions.
In order to reduce labor costs for maintenance and repair work in 2021, the Rusagro decided to automate the work of repair teams using the Optimum MWMS.
The pilot project was carried out at the sugar factory JSC "KRIVETS-SUGAR" in the village of Seim, Manturovsky district, Kursk region. The facility is undergoing a major upgrade using the latest equipment to increase the efficiency of its production facilities and reduce the number of manual steps in the production of finished products through digital transformation. Therefore, testing an innovative digital system for automating maintenance and repair processes here was absolutely logical.
Optimum MWMS was integrated with the database of systems "1C:TOIR", from which data on tasks for carrying out inspections and repairs of equipment, equipment defects, lists of employees, controlled parameters, consumables are received. Information about the work performed, information on recording the working time of personnel, data on detected defects, including photographic materials, and the amount of materials used, are transmitted to 1C:TOIR.
To improve the reliability of the data and check the location of the inspection / repair, the mobile application has a built-in verification of the authorization of the task executor using NFC tags installed on the equipment. After a successful pilot, the system was put into commercial operation.
Khuseyn Az-zari, CDC Group’s Chairman of the Board of Directors says, “We are excited to participate in the digital transformation of Rusagro's business. Our solution on the Optimum platform helps management to quickly receive reliable information about equipment defects, about the implementation and actual labor intensity of repairs, which improves the quality of routine and repair work and reduces unscheduled downtime of production equipment.”
In 2022, Rusagro will begin scaling up the Optimum MWMS system to sugar plants in the Tambov, Belgorod, and Oryol regions.