
Maintenance and Repair Automation

Significant reduction in the downtime of key production, technological and infrastructure equipment, due to a significant improvement in the quality of scheduled and unplanned inspections and repairs.

Our solution effectively shows

Who, what, how, where and when really does and has done
What is planned
What is happening now or over a certain period, at a selected site, with a specific employee
And allows you to conveniently and visually monitor processes and analyze the "plan-fact"
Integrated Mobile Machine Vision offers instant recognition of objects and defects, as well as visual analysis of systematized deviations from standards.


The solution consists of server side (web application) and a mobile client running on ruggged handhelds, smartphones and tablets, provides planning and optimal distribution of MRO applications and control of work performance.

Mobile application' basic features

  • Conducting targeted briefings of any complexity, in compliance with federal laws, labor protection regulations, and technical standards.
  • Performing inspections and maintenance of equipment based on the developed scenarios.
  • Support for various types of electronic signature verification methods (EDS, QR, etc.)
  • Control over the execution of tasks using NFC tags or QR codes, as well as GPS.
  • A convenient task status system with fast data transfer to the office, even over slow and unreliable communication channels.
  • Photo and video recordings of briefings, key activities, and work outcomes.
  • Accounting of materials and spare parts (according to standards, upon use, ...).
  • Access to schemes, instructions, and work history documentation, among other things.
  • Work offline and online with a large amount of data.
  • Instant identification and visual analysis of defects and violations in the operation of infrastructural, industrial and technological equipment.*
* With the built-in SmartLook Mobile Machine Vision Library


Mobile app example. Orders, addresses, execution statuses and other information
Mobile app example. Detected defects with the addition of photos


Web application' basic features

  • Fast implementation and high-quality integration with existing information systems at the enterprise, if necessary.
  • Planning and controlling the execution of inspections and maintenance tasks.
  • Creating scenarios for employee work (step-by-step task completion).
  • Flexibly configuring work execution statuses to monitor the stages of work according to requests.
  • Assigning employees to routes based on the location of the specialist closest to the facility.
  • Accounting for work standards and performance.
  • Providing technical information to field staff (documentation, instructions, etc.).
  • Tracking material and spare part consumption.
  • Real-time location tracking, including linking to critical operations.
  • Data collection and analysis.
  • Support for regulatory information management systems.
  • Convenient reporting and analytics.
Web app example. Work Control: The employee’s workload and the status of requests are clearly visible.


  1. Improving control over compliance with safety and labor protection regulations
  2. Significant reduction of unjustified downtime of equipment
  3. Labor productivity growth
  4. Reducing production losses and reducing production costs
  5. Improving field staff efficiency by providing access to technical information (documentation, instructions)
  6. Fast scaling of the solution

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We believe that the implementation of the CDC solution at Aeroflot - Russian Airlines is economically justified. It made it possible to improve the quality of aircraft servicing, reduce mileage and downtime of equipment, and more efficiently distribute tasks to apron personnel.
Bogdanov K.I., deputy CEO for IT
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